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Radhika Estates

Radhika Estates is a website designed for a real estate company where a person can scroll through multiple properties including outright and rental properties. The admin can post new properties from their end and can also make changes to already posted properties. A form has been provided for people to contact for a particular property via email.

We have designed and developed this website with key features like:-

The website is made using PHP on the Laravel framework

Responsive HTML/CSS, jQuery, and Bootstrap Framework. Flat structure optimized for Retina display and modern age smart devices

Admin panel is provided to manage the properties

People can explore the properties and contact through the form

Multiple animations have been used in a subtle way to enhance the experience

A catchy color pattern has been used on the basis of the company�s logo along with the right font keeping in mind the consumer�s psychology

Plenty of information is added to the website in such a way for better readability making the user experience more convenient.




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